Signing documents is a part of everyday life, whether you’re at work or home. It can be a time-consuming process if you have to print and sign each document, but electronic signature software can help. E signature software allows you to sign documents on your computer, phone, or tablet with just a few clicks or taps. You’ll save time, reduce costs, and get more done when all of your signatures are collected in one place.
Sign documents without printing
E signature software is a cost-effective way to sign documents. E signature software allows you to sign documents without printing them out. For example, if you’re sending a contract to someone else and don’t want them printing it out, then all they need is an app on their phone or tablet.
Signing contracts at the office can be time-consuming if everyone needs a hard copy. With e signature software this process can be streamlined because all parties involved can use the same digital copy of the document they’re signing digitally.
Sign documents with a quick tap or click
Signing documents can be a slow and tedious process. With e signature software, you can sign documents with a single tap or click. You can sign documents on your computer with your finger, stylus, or mouse. You can also use tablets or mobile phones to sign documents.
With an e signature software, you don’t even need to print anything and no more delays are created by waiting around while someone else collects physical signatures before sending them along for approval—the entire process takes place digitally thanks to this innovative approach.
Send attachments with your signature documents
You can send attachments with your signed documents. This is a great way to increase the value of your signature documents by providing additional information about the document or asking for additional information from the buyer. The attachment could also be an addendum to the contract, invoice, or another document that needs to be attached to the contract for additional context.
Organize signature documents
E signature software is a great tool for organizing your signature documents. You can use it to create signature forms, track and record signatures, organize signatures by date, category, or other criteria and generate reports based on the collected data.
This software is a secure method of collecting electronic signatures that eliminates the need for printing, scanning, faxing, and mailing documents back and forth between parties. The software allows users to add an electronic signature within their email client or web browser as long as they have permission from the person who owns the document being signed.
Collect signatures electronically
Just like the name suggests, e signature software allows you to collect signatures electronically. The process of collecting signatures can be done in one place. It’s also secure and convenient. And if your office is like most offices, it probably spends a lot of time tracking down people so they can sign documents on paper and then fax them back to get something signed by all parties involved (or even just one).
The amount of time this takes can be staggering: consider all the phone calls, emails, and texts that must be made before even one signature is collected manually. Imagine how much faster things would go if everyone had access to a web portal where they could simply click an icon and digitally sign their names – there would no longer be any need for searching for file cabinets or emailing files back and forth between departments.
If you’re looking for a way to reduce costs, save time and get things done with e signature software, then you are in for a treat as it offers many solutions that can help your business save money while improving productivity. There is no need for a list of reasons why you should use e signature software because it does not make sense to be using paper anymore. With the digital world moving so quickly, it is only a matter of time before everything is done online and paper signatures will be obsolete.