If you’re an iPhone owner, your probably already know all of the features and benefits you can reap from this device. If you are interested in learning more about the many features of your phone, this article is for you!
Minimizing your iPhone’s brightness setting will help extend battery life. Go to the settings portion of your iPhone to alter the illumination level. At a lower brightness, you’ll find your iPhone lasts for a lot longer. This is especially helpful if you know you are going to go a long time between charges.
You can take pictures with your headphone cord as well. Press the button located on the headphone cord while keeping a steady hand. When you do this, you ensure that the device is not shaken. As a result, your image will appear much more crisp and clear.
Would you like to insert a letter with an accent into your text? Here’s what you have to do. Touch and hold the particular letter you want additional options for and keep your finger on it for a couple of seconds. A box that contains extra keys should pop up. You can use as many fancy letters as you want to.
If you are looking for ways to make the best use of your iPhone, you should look into its many media viewing features. Your iPhone can become an entertainment hub just by downloading TV episode or online clips that you love.
In order to get access to your email messages quickly, hook your accounts up to your iPhone. This helps greatly because once you get an instant notification, you can check out the message instantaneously on the iPhone. You can link several different email accounts or only one.
If you browse on your iPhone using Safari, you do not have to type “.com” in the URL. For instance, you should be able to find Amazon.om by simply typing Amazon in the URL bar.
If you happen to accidentally drop the iPhone in water, you should not try turning it on right away. Take the time to dry the phone off as much as you possibly can, even leaving it overnight to dry. If you turn on a wet phone, it can cause it to be permanently damaged.
Don’t let your iPhone waste your time with word suggestions. If you are typing up an email or note, and are tired of the phone giving you suggestions, just tap anywhere on your screen to kill the suggestion box. You do not need to click the x that appears next to the word every time.
Make sure you are mindful about the apps you allow onto your phone. There are many apps available for an iPhone including free apps and those that charge money. When downloading apps, be careful that it comes from a trusted source.
While it’s easy to get through websites, it can be a hassle to scroll back to the top. Well, now that is no longer necessary. Tapping on the status bar at the top of your screen (i.e. the clock) will return you instantly to the start of the page. This is also the case for long lists of other types.
Sleep/wake Button
If your iPhone freezes up, do not be alarmed. To begin with, press the sleep/wake button. Your next recourse is to press the home button and the sleep/wake button at the same time. This will start a hard reset and it should reboot in a few moments.
Use shortcuts for words to type faster. It is under the new shortcut menu, which can be found in the settings. These shortcuts are a huge time-saver when typing out phrases and words that you input all the time. When you start typing a word that’s been programmed, your phone will automatically fill it in for you.
There’s an easy way to cut down on the time it takes to get to your favorites and the music controls of your phone. Simply customize your phone’s settings. Customizing starts by figuring out which things you’d like to change. This is very simple if you know what you’re doing.
There are options for scrolling through your contacts with fingers; however, there is also a way to do so without flicking through the contacts. Hold your finger over the list. Then, simply slide up or down. In this way, you will easily and effectively be able to search your contact list.
Don’t store your iPhone anywhere that experiences extreme temperatures. For example, do not leave your phone in your car on either a hot or cold day. Water formation can occur when temperatures drop quickly.
Make sure that you do not save videos on your iPhone that you do not intend to watch again at a later time. When you are done viewing the video, a prompt is going to ask you if you want to delete the video from the phone. This will help you free up some space on your phone.
Personalize your alert tones. Utilize the following procedure to customize your iPhone’s alerts. Look under the “Settings” heading for “Sounds.” Choose the alert you want to change. You can also select “Buy more tones” as an option.
Turn off the wireless functions on your iPhone when not in use. Even if they are not in actual use by you, they still drain battery power and can shorten the intervals between recharges. Included in these wireless radio functions are GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. When you’re not making use of them, power them off.
If you are viewing a large website and want to get back to the beginning of the website, you do not have to scroll all the way to the top. Simply tap the status bar, located in grey at the top of your screen, and you will be instantly taken back to the top of the page and the address bar.
After reading this article, you should have a good foundation of knowledge about the many features of your iPhone. Just remember these tips when you use your phone next.