Many people own an iPhone. The iPhone has become a staple and benchmark in technology these days; however, mastering it isn’t quick. But a lot of people who own iPhones still have a lot of questions about the product. The following article will provide you with advice that will make you an iPhone pro quickly.
Use your iPhone to help you navigate from place to place. You can use the map feature as your GPS to find locations or amenities along your route. Bookmark the map for ease of use.
Is your iPhone simply pestering you with way too many notifications? Here’s how you can turn them off. Begin by selecting the button that says “Settings”. Once you’re there, press the notifications bar. While browsing the “Notification Center” area, look for apps that should not be there. This will also improve the life of your battery.
To get rid of the AutoCorrect suggestion box, don’t keep hitting the “X” button every time it doesn’t recognize a word. Instead, all you have to do is tap anywhere on the screen. This is the fastest way of closing the suggestion box.
Use your iPhone to download yourself an app that enables you to upload any files you want onto your phone, this way you can use your iPhone as a file storage device. You can use your phone for many applications like image and video uploads, file uploads and music downloads. All you will need to do is plug your phone into a computer to access the files, or you can open them on your phone.
As an iPhone owner, be sure to utilize all of the phone’s multimedia capabilities. Some of these include downloading television episodes or different comedy clips from websites.
When sending an email or typing in a note and do not want to use the suggested iPhone words, there is no need to tap the X to get rid of the suggestion box. You only need to tap the screen anywhere to make the box disappear.
You may run into a problem in which you are unable to power up your iPhone by pressing its Sleep/Wake button. Fortunately, a hard reset remedies the problem. Press the sleep button and home button at the same time for several seconds. This will restart your phone, which will bring up the Apple logo in white.
Be sure to keep your iPhone’s operating system up to date. Apple iPhones get regular updates that included fixes and security patches, just like computers do. Updating your OS regularly will help ensure the safety of your personal information.
Don’t waste your valuable time typing in the .com URL extension while using Safari to browse the Internet. For example, if you wish to visit CNN’s website, simply type “CNN” into the web address bar.
Choose a distinct ringtone. This will keep you from feeling like one of the crowd when your phone rings. It’s simple to upload a favorite song or sound byte that entices you. This can garner attention.
Do not waste time with suggested words on your iPhone. When you are typing and a suggested word pops up, ignore the ‘x’ and just tap on your iPhone’s screen anywhere. That will remove the suggestion box. This will keep you from having to click on the little “x” every time you want to dismiss a word.
Look into buying an app to help you manage your battery usage. They let you know where and how you are utilizing batter power, in addition to giving you steps you can take to increase the life of your battery. These apps may also let you know when your battery needs to be calibrated, which keeps it healthy.
With an iPhone, there is a simple step you can take to decrease the amount of time you spend typing. Add a shortcut from the settings menu. If you do this, it will program any long words or phrases you use often. In the future, it is no longer necessary to type everything out every time.
If you want to save any message for the future, tap cancel while working on it. You will then be given the option to Save your work. By selecting Save, the message will go into Drafts. Should this folder not exist, it will be created.
You can use three different methods to browse through your phone’s contact list. You can scroll through normally, click on a letter on the right side of the screen, or slide your finger along the letters on the right side of the screen. Also, you can use the scroll bar to move to the contact that you want if you have a large list.
Your iPhone does not bode well to temperature variations. For example, don’t bring your phone into freezers or refrigerators. This can cause water to form within your phone.
Direct Sunlight
Make sure that you do not expose your iPhone to direct sunlight for long periods of time. Direct sunlight for extended periods puts your phone at risk. The components of the iPhone are able to withstand only normal temperatures and weather. Sunlight can be extremely hot in the summer period.
Would you like to have an alert tone that is different from anyone else? It’s easy to customize alert tones if you just follow these steps. Go to the ‘settings’ menu and select ‘sounds.’ Change any alerts that you wish to alter their sound. You can also select “Buy more tones” as an option.
You should now know much more about the many features of your iPhone and how to use them. Now, use what you have learned. In no time, you’ll feel that you are at the top of your game when it comes to getting the most out of your phone.