Understanding How To Properly Use Your Iphone

When you own an iPhone, you want to make the most of it. Yet, you have to figure out some things before you get an iPhone. Which carrier should you use? Which applications are the best? Which model gives the most bang for the buck? To answer some or all of these questions, keep reading the article below to help you grasp the great concepts of an iPhone.

Remember to download updates on your phone whenever they become available. This means that your phone will always have what it needs to function properly. This also protects you by ensuring that your images and information are safely stored. In the unfortunate event that your phone is lost or damaged, you can at least take comfort in knowing that your important data is not gone for good.

Larger Keyboard

You can facilitate web browsing using your iPhone by increasing the size of your keyboard. However, you do not have to purchase a larger keyboard. Move your iPhone horizontally, which will increase the size of your keys. You’ll see you have a much larger keyboard for you to use that is much more effective when it comes to typing.

Siri helps you with reminders that are location based. You can ask Siri to remind you to call your work at 5pm. You have the ability to ask Siri to tell you to visit to dry cleaner when you leave your house. When the phone’s GPS realizes you are home, it will give you the reminder. Setting reminders has never been easier.

Purchase a protective screen for your iPhone. Those who do not use screen protectors run the risk of incurring scratches on the screen. Even tiny pieces of dirt hidden on your finger may scratch an unprotected screen. Make sure to always protect the screen of your phone.

Are you tired of the many notifications that come in on your iPhone? You may turn them off easily. Go to your notifications center under the “Settings” button. Remove items that aren’t useful from your “Notification Center”. This can also help your battery life.

You can create your own shortcuts and dictionary with your iPhone. There’s no reason your iPhone shouldn’t anticipate the words you want to use. You can add your own phrases or shortcuts to your iPhone as well. This will allow the iPhone to autocorrect phrases as you type.

Mistakes happen when typing on iPhones. Has your meaning been messed up by Auto Correct again? You can easily correct the damage by simply shaking your phone. This is akin to the undo button on a computer. This optional feature needs to be enabled, so look at your Settings to ensure it is available.

Do you know the frustration of missing out on a great shot just because the camera app came up too slowly? Here is a simple shortcut that will solve that problem. With the screen locked, rapidly press the Home button a couple times. The camera icon is located at the bottom right hand of your screen. Tap this button to automatically enable your camera.

When you are using your iPhone, you can take a screenshot. Simply, find the screen you want a shot of and hold down your “home” button as you click your “sleep” button. The screen will blink white for about a second to confirm the shot.

Always make sure your OS is upgraded to the most recent version. Apple iPhones have now almost become as intricate as computers, so there exists sporadic patches to repair functionality issues, bugs and security holes. These updates are vital to keep your phone in top running order.

Change the keyboard clicks option if you want sound when you type a text. Doing this will minimize your mistakes.

Look into buying an app to help you manage your battery usage. There are a number of these apps available, and each can help you determine which features and functions use the most battery life; they can also help you figure out what changes to make in order to extend the battery’s life. They will also notify you about calibration, which is an important part of caring for your battery.

Should Siri’s voice not be to your liking, you can adjust the settings. Siri can be found in General Settings. You can then set Siri’s language to English, French or German. You also have the option of changing Siri’s accent to a British or Australian one. The British Siri actually has a male voice.

Use the social media on your iPhone to connect with family and friends. You can post status updates to Facebook and Twitter from the iPhone. Also, you can read all the latest gossip and news from these applications so you are hip to new happenings quicker than anyone else.

There are a few different ways to search contacts on the iPhone. There is one that does not involve flicking with your fingers. First, hold down on the alphabetical contacts screen. Slide your finger up and down the list for a simpler method of scrolling. You now have a way to sift through your list of contacts with a lot more control.

If your screen freezes, press Home for about five seconds. This will reset the phone. If you still have troubles, try holding down the “home” button and the “sleep” button simultaneously for twelve seconds. You should only use the second method if you have trouble with the first one.

Hopefully, you have a better understanding of how to use your iPhone since that you have read this article. Use these tips to your advantage, whether you are an experienced iPhone user or a novice looking to purchase for the first time.
