Iphone Tips And Tricks For A New Generation

An iPhone has many uses and can make your life much easier! It’s a phone, a calendar, a camera and is capable of a vast array of possible uses. However, it is up to you how you want to use your iPhone. Only you know how to best use it for your lifestyle. Use the information below to learn all the ins and outs of your phone.

Save your valuable battery power by lowering the brightness on your iPhone. The brightness level can be lowered from the iPhone’s settings area. This helps to limit the charge imposed on your battery and keep it at full, which can be very handy.

Screen Protector

A protective screen is a useful investment for your iPhone. Without a screen protector, your phone will be more vulnerable to scratches, scrapes and nicks. Scratches can appear from just a small speck of dust on your finger. …

Make The Most Of Your Time: Simple Tips And Tricks

Most people would like to better manage their time. People are so busy these days, and it seems like there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish everything. However, with time management skills, you’ll find more time. Keep reading for some great information.

Make good use of a timer. This will show you how efficiently you are working. Keep increasing the time until you are up to the amount of time that you want to be able to concentrate for.

Pay closer attention to deadlines. In this way, deadlines and meetings cannot sneak up on you and sabotage your time management scheme. If you learn to complete tasks on time, you will be able to get more things done throughout the day.

Begin your morning by assessing your schedule and to do list. By knowing what you are facing for the day, you are more likely to get …